Monday, May 23, 2011

What I am Reading....this week

So since the Rapture didn't come to pass on Saturday, I guess I will blog today.  I even had a Rapture Rita at Hula Hut for lunch and ate my weight in chips, salsa and creamy jalapeño.  Now I need to get back on the Weight Watchers band wagon and start over, but enough about that.

What I am reading this week...

Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen

I saw the movie before reading it so I wouldn't have any expectations for it.

Dead Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan

It is the sequel to Forest of Hands and Teeth which I loved plus it is in the Dystopian Genre that I am really into right now.

Fan Fiction that is in my inbox...

The Cullen Campaign by Belladonna1472
The Cullen Campaign

Dear Mr. Masen by JenDonna
Dear Mr. Masen

Our Yellow House by CaraNo (who owns me right now)

So please check these out and give the authors some great reviews and tell them who sent you their way.
Happy Reading.

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