Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's the Thursday Before Christmas...

and all through the house it is unusually quiet except for the washing machine.
Yes I am doing laundry today which will be even double when the hubs and the minions get home from their hunting trip.  No they didn't get any deer but the Z-man got him some "deer horns" as he calls them so he is happy.  They are driving in the rain today so I am hoping and praying they have a safe trip.  I have also baked like 3 dozen cookies to give to friends and neighbors, not that I talk to the neighbors around me, I really don't even know my next door neighbors but being the season and all that I thought that I would be friendly.
It is a beautiful day in my neighborhood, but the new next door neighbor I haven't even seen and the other one works strange hours so I don't really know them.  The neighbors I didn't like moved around the corner and its like then live in another universe and I never see them, which is partially my fault and theirs as well, because it can't be all mine right.  

Wow I got off on a tangent there didn't I.  So it is the Thursday before Christmas and I am doing laundry, laundry and more laundry, packing my stuff for the trip to my parents and repacking the minions.  We haven't been up there for Christmas in a while so it will be a good change, I don't need to be Miss Martha Merry Christmas this year with the house, I even debating putting up the tree but the minions talked me into it.  Do you put a tree if you are not going to be home for the holidays?

As this will probably be my last post before Christmas I want to wish all my readers a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy or Merry whatever you celebrate!  My gift to you is my favorite Christmas Carol.

Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Weekend!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Merry to you too!


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