It is Sick Bella Day on Rants Raves and Recipes today. I am recommending Fics where Bella is ill or lost her memory.
First up is Don't Forget To Remember Me by Oliviamk1218. This is one of my Favorites to read, The love between B and E gets a little mushy but sometimes that is better that all the angst I like to read. B and E meet in college and immediately fall into a wonderful friendship but are too scared to take it to the next level thinking it would ruin their relationship.
Twilighted Summary:Edward and Bella met at college and are best friends. Edward goes to med. school and Bella gets a job that takes her away from him, but they remain close and discover a deep love for each other. An accident causes Bella to lose her memory and Edward struggles with the loss he feels, desperately tries to help her rediscover their love and all they meant to each other. Can her heart and soul remember him, even if her mind doesn't?
Next is Six Different Ways Inside My Heart by April09. This is a Bella and Edward story where Bella has Leukemia and she meets Edward in the hospital after he has knee surgery but he has a secret all of his own.
Twilighted Summary: A story about love, about death, about keeping secrets, and dealing with the consequences. Bella and Edward meet at a hospital when she is diagnosed with a life threatening disease and he is recovering from knee surgery. She confides her fears to him; he changes his life because of her. This is a story about their journey through the confusion, awkwardness, pain, and beauty of first love.
Last but not least Ladder to the Sun by Rosybud. I fell in love with this story and sat down to read all the chapters that are published in one night. Bella has an incurable cancer and has a year to live. She want to live it to the fullest and not take anything for granted anymore, so she quits her boring Library job and moves in with the eccentric Alice Brandon and meets the subject of town gossip Edward Masen.
Twilighted Summary: How can you die when you've never really lived? That's the problem Bella Swan faces when an incurable disease leaves her with just twelve months to live. Can she make up for twenty six unhappy years in the short time she has left... and maybe find a little love along the way? EXB
That is it for this week, Happy Reading. Oh by the way, I am now involved in a bi weekly podcast and Virtual bookclub for Paranormal Romance books it is called The Mystical Lit Lounge, check out our website and Facebook page. Our podcast is on Itunes.
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