Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday Weight Watchers post...

So today is Sunday and it is time for my weekly weigh in... and I gained 2/10ths of a pound but oh well it is not bad, I drank lots of water yesterday (I know it is an excuse), but I have felt better this week that I have in a while and my jeans are loose which is good right, so I am thinking in the positive.  The Girls are really good support and I am glad to have them, they are keeping me motivated and on track (yes you Momma Kim).  Still haven't made progress on the exercise thing but I think this week I will, I am going walking this afternoon and on friday and hopefully I will use the weight machine collecting dust in my playroom and use the new exercise video game I got for the Xbox Kinect that I spent $50 bucks for, plus I need to be in better short wearing condition for our girls trip at the end of April.

Well I have got lots of domestic chores to do today one being the Mount Everest of Laundry piling up around me.  I hope you all have a good time watching the Super Bowl and have a great health filled week.

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