Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Things I found that I love...

Yes my husband thinks I am insane but oh well.  I love office supplies, I don't know why I just do and when I went to Office Depot over the weekend and found these little gems, I was ecstatic.  Combine my love for office supplies, shoes and bags and this is what you get...

Yes you see correctly it is a post it note holder in the shape of a leather bag and a pink high heeled shoe tape dispenser.  I saw them and I could not pass them up, what shoe and bag whore could. Lovers them.

1 comment:

D said...

OMG those are AWESOME!!! I love office supplies too!! Going to places like Office Depot is a big no-no for me because I ALWAYS come out with something I don't need or can't afford. lol! That shoe is the greatest!!! love, love, love :-D


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